Monday, February 23, 2009

Giving new meaning to up S*** creek.

I have seen a truck around my area of town twice now and have yet to get a picture of it, but trust me, I will stalk the highways until I find it just to give you adoring readers the visual satisfaction.

This truck belongs to a company that deals with septic systems and the like. Their logo?

"Dealing with number 2 is our number 1 job."

Or something as equally titillating. I swear I will get pictures.

Even better than their saying?

The truck has been scooting around town with a bright yellow canoe strapped to the top of the utility rack.

One has to wonder how bad it had to get before they started to resort to a canoe.

Now where did I put that paddle?


  1. Bwahahah I have seen their pump truck around town too. But I am very interested in seeing the man with the yellow canoe.

  2. That's actually clever. I'll bet he's the most recognized septic system guy in town -- who can resist a business with that sense of humor?
